After the warm introductory words of Jean-Robert Tyran (Vice Rector of the University of Vienna) and Melanie Malzahn (Dean of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies), Jutta L. Mueller gave an overview of the research results of her career to date on the topic of "Language and the Brain: How we learn from our Environment and from Ourselves". The subsequent exchange with friends and colleagues over wine and appetizers was particularly refreshing after covid-related lack of personal contact and a worthy inauguration for Jutta L. Mueller's professorship.
Inaugural Lecture Jutta L. Mueller

V.l.n.r.: Jakob Weickmann, Carina Auzinger, Peter Traunmüller, Priscila Borges, Ivonne Weyers

Jutta L. Mueller mit Ágnes Kovács (CEU) und Eva Wittenberg (CEU)